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In the Dead Suns Adventure Path, the players take on the roles of members of the Starfinder Society, a loose association of scholars and adventurers who travel the galaxy uncovering the secrets of the past. When a fragment of an ancient alien superweapon surfaces in the depths of hyperspace, its discovery sets off a race to find the extraterrestrial doomsday device. Hopping from planet to planet in both the civilized Pact Worlds and beyond, the heroes must contend with both the undead Corpse Fleet and the nihilistic Cult of the Devourer, each of which seeks to acquire the alien artifact for its own purposes. Can the heroes find and destroy the superweapon before their enemies seize control of it, or will the Pact Worlds’ sun go dark and cold, a harbinger of dead suns across the galaxy?

Dead Suns 029: Besides, You Know What A Cautious Fellow I Am

The Pyramid People of Ukulam

It’s another shopping spree on this week’s show, but this one presents a different sort of challenge. This time they’re headed out to an inhospitable jungle, and they have no idea how long they’ll be out there; therefore, resource management presents a thornier dilemma than your average “stock up on serums and grenades grocery run”. Also, after learning their lesson with the akatas, the team takes a long look at their ability (or inability) to deal with diseases and poisons.

Also, we’re giving away a free trip to PaizoCon 2018! Listen to the episode for full details on the contest and how to enter!

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses how to keep your gaming group together over the long haul. We also give a sneak peek of our interview next week with the Order of the Amber Die!

Of course, we also announce another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 028: Six Degrees of Investigation


Nothing ever comes easy for our heroes, as it turns out Halkueem Zan’s documents are missing from the university archives. Even more worrisome, so is Doctor Solstarni, the leading authority on Zan’s work. Since Solstarni’s office shows evidence of foul play, Muhali calls in the local constabulary to help. Said constabulary played by this week’s special guests: Paizo’s Jason Keeley and friend of the show Rob Trimarco. In a case of “small world”, Rob separately knows Jason Keeley and also gamed with the boys back in NYC. Unclear what effect this has on Roll For Combat’s Bacon Number.

Also, we’re giving away a free trip to PaizoCon 2018! Listen to the episode for full details on the contest and how to enter!

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses how adding playable NPCs can spice up your game!

Of course, we also announce another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 027: Meeting Of The Minds

Ailabiens 21:2 Roll for Combat

This week, the party flexes their diplomatic muscles as they have to untangle a dispute between Qabarat’s academics. The team zeroes in on the scholar they need to see to get access to Halukeem Zan’s original writings, but he’s currently in hot water with the university and not very cooperative as a result. (There’s also the fact that he’s the only academic in the universe who’s more of a snob than Tuttle.) Can the team smooth things over and make both sides happy enough to get their hands on Zan’s journals?

Also, we’re giving away a free trip to PaizoCon 2018! Listen to the episode for full details on the contest and how to enter!

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses how you can turn your PC buying sessions into a quick and painless experience.

Of course, we also announce another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 026: Back To School


The boys return to Starfinder HQ for a debriefing and to get their next mission – investigate the strange alien writing they found on the Drift Rock. The trail leads to Hirogi’s home planet of Castrovel, and specifically to Qabarat University. Hirogi is happy to be on his home turf, Rusty is unnerved by a planet full of non-humans, Tuttle is overjoyed at the chance to mingle with other academics and Mo… he just wants someone to punch (or shoot).

Also, we’re giving away a free trip to PaizoCon 2018! Listen to the episode for full details on the contest and how to enter!

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses why PCs should build their characters with flaws.

Of course, we also announce another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 025: Keeping Up with the Combatians

Pact Worlds Starfinder Playtest PaizoCon

ATTENTION NEW LISTENERS: We here at Roll For Combat recognize that jumping into an existing podcast can be a daunting task, especially one like this that involves an unfolding story. To help newer listeners out, we’ve prepared a brief synopsis at the start of this episode that will catch you up on the story so far. Give it a listen, and you’ll be ready to join us, all caught up ready to jump right into the podcast. Enjoy the show!

It’s a jam-packed 25th episode of Roll For Combat, as we finish Book 1 of Dead Suns and start on Book 2. After a space combat session that didn’t make for good listening (SPOILER: we won!), the team returns Absalom Station to find themselves newly minted reality… holo-vid?… celebrities: it turns their Drift Rock adventures have been turned into a hot new reality show. The boys finally get some answers from Gevalarsk Nor, and they bid farewell to their NPC companions. The crew then takes a little break to do some shopping and strategize on their characters before checking back in with the Starfinder Society to receive their next mission.

We also have a special guest join us on this episode. Jason Keeley, author, editor, and Developer at Paizo Inc., creators of the Pathfinder and Starfinder Roleplaying Games. We discuss with him what goes into developing an adventure path campaign, the upcoming Starfinder Pact Worlds hardcover book, the recently announced Pathfinder Playtest, and we dig up a surprise from Jason’s past!

Also, we’re giving away a free trip to PaizoCon 2018! Listen to the episode for full details on this contest and how to enter! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 024: Exit Through the Drift Shop

Fight with Garaggakal

The crew returns to the Drift Rock and the crew finally finds a way home. Unfortunately, it’s being guarded by… something. Something with lots and lots of teeth. And the time has finally come… THE BUTTON gets pushed!

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses how to recognize and prevent players from playing other people’s PCs.

Also, make sure to check out our first RPG product! The Loot Box of Wonder by Thurston Hillman was created for the podcast and adds a bit of deck of many things to the Starfinder Universe. Get your own free copy right here:

Of course, we also announce another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 023: The Mysteries of Lootboxing

Roll For Combat Loot Box of Wonder

Things are finally looking up for the Roll For Combat crew, they even manage to find some mysterious loot that might just be their savior … or their destruction. Plus somehow the boys managed to live long enough to make it to level 3. And Hirogi makes a new life-long friend.

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses why adding random elements makes for a better game and more interesting character development.

Finally, we released our first RPG product! The Loot Box of Wonder by Thurston Hillman was created for the podcast and adds a bit of deck of many things to the Starfinder Universe. Get your own free copy right here:

Of course, we also announce another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 022: Boots On The Ground

Moriko Nash

The team finishes off the remaining zombified Arceon crew, and finish exploring the caverns before turning their attention to the mysterious door. Inside, they discover interesting new surroundings, but the most welcome find is their old friend… gravity.

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses RPG play styles and which is good for you and your players.

Plus, another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 021: Screw You, Isaac Newton!


The party learns the hard way that combat gets unpredictable when people start running into each other in zero-gravity. We also bid farewell to one of our goblin friends, and unravel the fate of the remaining Drift Rock crew.

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses when a GM should simply skip content or a big fight.

Plus, another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!

Dead Suns 020: Mo Dupinsky: Fishin’ Reptilian

Our ever-growing party of adventurers explores even deeper into the Drift Rock. After making short work of a warm-up fight, the team has to face a challenge of a hard-to-navigate part of the caverns. Mo and Tuttle improvise a solution that resembles deep-sea fishing. It turns out ysoki makes good bait, but it’s not fish that are biting, but… something else. We also learn that Hirogi takes that whole “honor among thieves” thing pretty seriously.

Also this week, GM Stephen discusses how to handle fights at the table and why they often turn so nasty so quickly.

Plus, another winner of the weekly $100 Amazon gift card giveaway! And don’t forget to become a supporter of the podcast at our Patreon page: where you can help us while unlocking fun exclusive rewards for yourself!